BAMCT is back

BAMCT is back

Its with great excitement that we are announcing the official reopening of all our training centres.
All our open courses are available on our website or call today to enquire.
We are running a wide range of courses, using a smaller team and keeping class sizes down to ensure that we’re doing our part to stay safe.

In addition to all our normal courses, It is with pride that we can now deliver street works qualifications, helping out utilities’ companies and local councils alike.

Street Works

Our Street Works qualifications meet the requirements of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSW) which requires work involving the installation, renewal, maintenance and inspection of underground apparatus in the highway to be under the control of competent persons who are in possession of a valid Street Works card.

Our closest dates are as follows;
Operatives and Supervisor Refresher/Reassessment 2 Day Course – 09/07/20 – 10/07/20
Operatives and Supervisor Novice Course 5 Day Course – 13/07/20 – 17/07/20

What are we doing to stay safe?

The Health and Safety of BAMCT’s candidates is our upmost priority. With recent news surrounding Covid-19, we want to share the actions we’re taking to protect both our candidates and trainers and what you can do to help.

  • Keeping our eyes and ears to the ground, ready to take action. We’re following all Government updates on Covid-19 and taking action on every point made. We will continue to take all necessary action until advised not to.
  • Helping with prevention. Every single one of our classrooms and machines are equipped with antibacterial wipes and hand sanitiser. We will be advising every candidate to use generously.
    After each day we will clean all commonly touched desks, door handles and seating to make sure that they are sanitised ready for the next day.

How you can help?

  • Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands frequently and make use of all cleaning produce provided. Cover your nose and mouth if you have to cough. Please remain home if you are sick and we will be happy to accommodate date changes. If you are sick after attending a training course, please get in contact so we can advise all candidates and trainers to self isolate.
  • Stay informed. We will be following all the Government guidelines and we strongly encourage you too. We will supply any new updates and changes to all social media and letting candidates know before attending a course if any change is made.

Enquire using the form below. Please keep in mind that the more available dates you provide us with, the more likely we are able to fit you onto a course. We do not run courses on Sunday.

Enquire Now